Outboard Boats in length up to 24’ and Airboats in length up to 18’.

Standard built hybrid trailer and additional options: Please email us for pricing and details.
Minimum 6 week lead time. Probably longer depending on existing schedule.

1) 4″ aluminum single axle I beam boat trailer with options for upgrade that include 5″ frame or tandem.

2) 3″ x 3″ aluminum cross members

3) Ram-Lin stainless steel adjustable torsion axle. Heavy duty waterproof lithium grease.

4) 205/75R14 Kenda tires with galvanize wheels or upgrade to aluminum

5) Stoltz poly rollers with stainless steel rods and/or Stoltz poly bump pads

6) All LED lights and heat shrink wire connectors with electric grease and independent ground

7) All stainless-steel hardware

8) Dutton Lansen 1500 lb swivel jack

9) Dutton Lansen 1,300 lb winch unless upgraded

10) Dutton Lansen 2″ zinc coupler/ safety cables

11) Aluminum fenders

12) Custom built in-house aluminum steps in front. Aluminum adjustable side guide pads and adjustable bunks.

Upgrade Options (Tandem Axle)

1) Aluminum wheel upgrade (Double Bunks)

2) Spare tire and wheel/ spare tire mount (5″ Frame)

3) Swing tongue/ retractable tongue

4) Stainless steel fenders

5) Rear ratchet strap buckles

6) Electric winch

7) Fulton F2 2 speed winch or other winch upgrade

8) Hydraulic disc brakes

9) Walk deck (Walk Deck to Tongue)

10) Back up lights

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